Fiesta online download
Fiesta online download

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If you are on one side of a wall and the mob you are fighting is on the other, you can fire through the wall and hit the mob. Some see this as a bug, others see it as deliberate to give archers an edge over melee mobs. Kiting is best done when a Speed increse scroll is cast. Kiting works very well as an archer due to its very powerful damage over time skills which ensure that the mob is taking damage even while the character is moving away. Kiting is a term used for hiting the mob with all skills available then moving away before attacking it again. If done propperly all 4 of these skills will have been fired be4 the mob has even reached you and you will have done a large ammount of damage and the target may be poisoned and bleeding. The best way to attack a mob is stand far back, target the mob than attack with bone shot, then poison shot. The main way for archers to get their kills is by relying on thier range and thier powerful skills, there is no point in standing close to the target as you are reducing the ammout of "free" hits you are getting. but very hard to raise early gameįull Spirit - Very high critical and a large ammount of SPĢ Strength:1 Dexterity - A high attack while keeping aim highĢ Stength:1 Endurance - High attack while trying to reduce damage takenģ Endurance: 2 Strength: 1 Dexterity -High hp and Defence while keeping a reasonable damage and aim


Spirit up to 25 then full Dexterity - A very good Critical rate, more SP and a good aim + evade. Here is a snapshot of the most common archer buildsįull Dexterity - Very high aim and evasion but lacks defense and damage Points in damage on every other skill OR cooldown on Aimed shot and Power Shotĭamage over Time: Max points in Cooldown and SP cost on Fury Impact, Bone Shot, Venomous Shot, Natures Mistīalanced: Max points in Damage for Aimed Shot, Max points in SP Cost for Fury Impact, Bone Shot Pure Damage Dealer: Max points in Damage on Aimed Shot, Power Shot. The main skill builds out there are as follows:ĪOE Damage Dealer: Max points in Damage and Cooldown for Multishot, Natures Mist There are many different builds for archers skills depending on what you are setting out to acomplish. Poison and bone shot - max sp consumption At level 20 Archers become Hawk Archers and at level 60 become Scouts There are many different builds for the archer each with their own advantages and disadvantages and with 2 very distinct kinds of weapons they have the ability to deal with almost every situation. A very valuable member to any party the archer is the only character type that has damage over time skills. Besides mages, archers are very good at luring monsters due their very long range attacks. Their weak defense is made up for by their speedy attacks and pace. Archers are long-ranged attackers who are known for their speed.

Fiesta online download